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New Application for Work Permit (新办, XinBan)

Source:SMOOTH VISA Date:2018/12/17 Hits:

This procedure is implemented for foreigners to apply for Work Permit for the first time in Mainland China, or failed to handle the Work Permit extension or formalities required when changing their jobs, and alike.

The application documents include but not limited to the following:

1. Application Form                                                                                                       2. Relevant Working Experience Certificate

3. Highest Diploma                                                                                                        4. No Criminal Record Certificate

5. Certificate of Medical examination                                                                             6. Employment Contract

7. Passport with valid at least one year                                                                         8. Photograph

9. Information on educational background, work experience etc.                                 10. other document quired by the Examination Authority.

ATTENTION: This is highly respected to consult an expert if you have not dealt with above-given issues/challenges.